Elizabeth was invited to speak at an online event this year by Child Rich Communities, a charity that looks to grow a network of people and projects working in community-led ways to improve the wellbeing of tamariki, rangatahi, whānau and communities across Aotearoa. The event had a panel of speakers including Hana Tuwhare of Talking Matters and Matala Taufua of Pasifika Mama’s in Otautahi. The focus of Elizabeth’s kōrero was Mātauranga Māori and tūpuna parenting.
There were 130 registrations for the event, and each speaker spoke for about 10mins before the attendees went into breakout rooms to discuss how the kaupapa shared inspired and applied to their mahi. It was an inspiring and engaging session.
The talk blurb in below, but you can watch the session on YouTube here:
Talk blurb:
Pre-colonial Aotearoa was a place where tamariki were acknowledged as taonga, where all were committed to raising and caring for children. Whānau shared the care of tamariki, they were loved and cherished and the community way of life centred around them.
Indigenous knowledge and practices today can support a shift in thinking in how we view our tamariki, rangatahi and whānau, and how we can create child rich in our thinking, actions, policy, planning and our communities. Join us to hear insights from our speakers and to connect with others around the motu.