
Our Parenting


Our Parenting

Tūpuna Parenting is a movement to reclaim traditional Māori parenting ways. We all want the best for our whānau, and our tūpuna can help us.

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Our tūpuna were gentle and respectful

Tūpuna Parenting is a movement to decolonise our parenting, to reclaim our parenting ways. 


Our tūpuna believed pēpi were born tapu, and born with mana. With this tapu and mana, they believed that our pēpi and tamariki were little people to be listened to and respected.


So they didn’t shout at them, didn’t get angry at them and didn’t smack them for anything.

Tūpuna Māori whānau
Tupuna Nanny with her tamariki

Tūpuna Parenting

Mātauranga Guides Us

Mātauranga (Knowledge, and ways of knowing)

Not just *what* the facts are from our tūpuna, but the values behind them too.

Pūrākau (Oral Histories)

Both pūrākau from our whākapapa and from the atua (spirit world) bring lessons from our tūpuna

Waiata oriori (traditional lullabies), whakatauki, early explorer accounts

Various other other sources of evidence show us how our tūpuna raised and treated their pēpi and tamariki

About Tūpuna Parenting

Tupuna Nanny with moko

Two pou

The foundations of Tūpuna Parenting are based on two pou (pillars)

Elizabeth Emere Harte with pepi parenting


Pēpi are born tapu

Māmā parenting her tama pepi


Pēpi are born with mana

Our portfolio

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